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Municipality Edified Heritage


Citânia de Briteiros: MN, these archaeological ruins are proof of the existence of a primitive settlement of pre-roman origin, designated as “castro” (fortification). The results of the excavations realized on site are exhibited in the Martins Sarmento Archaeological Museum. Citânia de Sabroso: MN, a fortified settlement from the Iron Age, in Sande S. Lourenço. Taipas Tombstone: MN, next to the Caldelas parish church. Penha Archaeological Station: IIP, from this hillfort “castro” occupation seem to remain only fragments of several archaeological materials. São Torcato Monastery’s Church: MN, a visigoth construction that endured changes in the 12th century and was enlarged during the 19th century. Ataca Field: in Aldão, here took place the Battle of S. Mamede, in which D. Afonso Henriques conquered the leadership of the Portucalense County. The actual artistic-monumental scenario that celebrates this happening was inaugurated in 1996. Santa Marinha da Costa Monastery: the IIP classification includes the church and staircase. Despite the signs of a pre-romanesque temple that once existed here, the convent dates back to the 12th century and was founded by D. Afonso Henriques wife, D. Mafalda. Santa Cristina de Serzedelo Church: in Serzedelo, this building of romanesque characteristics, probably dates back to the 12th or 13th century. Restored during the 20th century by the General Board of National Buildings and Monuments, it was later classified as MN. S. João de Calvos Church: IIP, medieval temple in Lordelo. Candoso S. Martinho Church: MN, due to numerous alterations very little is left of the original romanesque temple. Situated in Candoso S. Martinho. S. Cipriano Old Church: late romanesque construction, in the parish of Tabuadelo and classified as IIP. Espírito Santo Chapel (18th century, in Sande S. Lourenço) and Nossa Senhora da Conceição Chapel (in Azurém), both are IIP. S. Cipriano Palace: IIP, in Tabuadelo, was built in 1415, but suffered profound modifications later on. Minotes Manor House (18th Century) and Caneiros Manor House (civil architecture palace) both in Fermentões parish, IIP. Sezim and Alto Manor Houses, this last being sixteenth century; both in Nespereira, IIP. Serves Bridge: MN, edified during the Middle Ages. It is located in the parish of Gondar. Rio Ave Bridge: MN, in Caldelas, a bridge of Roman origin, essentially strategic and administrative in the Middle Ages, linking nearby settlements. Emblazoned Stone Cross and Granite at Careta place (built in the 18th century, has at the cross a bronze image of Christ), both in S. Souto Salvador parish, IIP. Santa Maria de Corvite Old Church: IIP, the existing temple was built in the 16th century, being noticed by the set of frescoes which are inside, in Corvite. Margaride Manor House (in Mesão Frio) and the Manor House and Chapel of Quinta de Corujeiras (in Infantas; residence place of D. Sancho I daughters), both IIP.


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